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Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - Gethsemane
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - Gethsemane
by SPCK - N T Wright
Gethsemane Matthew 26.36-46 There was once a small girl who had never seen her father anything but cheerful. As long as she could remember, he seemed to have been smiling at her. He had smiled when she was born, the daughter he had longed for. He had smiled as he held her in his
Luke for Everyone - Jesus' Call to Watchfulness
Luke for Everyone - Jesus' Call to Watchfulness
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus’ Call to Watchfulness Luke 12.35-48 My most embarrassing moment of the year came while waiting at an airport to check in for a flight to Tel Aviv. I was leading a small pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and we had risen very early in the morning to get to the airport on time. We
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - Jesus Walks on Water
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - Jesus Walks on Water
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus Walks on Water Matthew 14.23-36 Curiously, only one great picture of this scene has ever been painted (by Conrad Witz in 1444). You might have thought it would make an ideal subject: Jesus as a shimmering figure on the water, the frightened disciples huddling in the boat, a
John for Everyone part 2 - Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus
John for Everyone part 2 - Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus John 20.11-18 The first time I went to stay with a family in Germany, I learnt enough German before the trip to know the basic rules of politeness. When people say ‘you’ in German, there are two forms, like the old English ‘ye’ (for more than on
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - Sheep among Wolves
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - Sheep among Wolves
by SPCK - N T Wright
Sheep among Wolves Matthew 10.16-23 I went to the fairground with my daughter. We stood in line for over an hour for one of the biggest rides; it looked fun, and everyone was excited and happy to wait for their turn. Finally we boarded the car. Up it went, up and up, higher and h
Luke for Everyone - The Healing of the Demoniac
Luke for Everyone - The Healing of the Demoniac
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Healing of the Demoniac Luke 8.26-39 I have a photograph, framed above my mantelpiece, of the sea of Galilee seen from the top of the Golan heights. I took it on a sunny day in late autumn: the scene is tranquil and clear, with the town of Tiberias just visible on the opposit
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Last Supper
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Last Supper
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Last Supper Matthew 26.26-35 There is an article in the newspaper today about two families locked in a highly expensive legal battle. It’s all the sadder because they are next-door neighbours. The case turns on the right of one family to keep on the premises what by most peop
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Man Born Blind
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Man Born Blind
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Man Born Blind John 9.1-12 I was just waking up, listening to the radio, when a news item caught my attention. Someone had been dismissed from their job for holding heretical views about the afterlife. I listened more intently. Who was it? What job had they been doing? Was it
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Priests and the Guards
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Priests and the Guards
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Priests and the Guards Matthew 28.11-15 In the world of science, there is a particular form of behaviour that occurs when a long-held belief is under attack. The most famous instance of it was when Copernicus (1473–1543) argued that Earth and the other planets go round the su
Luke for Everyone - The Transfiguration
Luke for Everyone - The Transfiguration
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Transfiguration Luke 9.28-45 The Oscar-winning movie Chariots of Fire tells the story of two athletes at the 1920 Paris Olympics. Harold Abrahams, after a gigantic struggle as much against himself as against the other runners, achieved the gold medal in the 100 yards. Eric Li
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Magi visit Jesus
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Magi visit Jesus
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Magi Visit Jesus Matthew 2.1-12 I was convinced it was a helicopter. It was a dark night, and a bright light was shining just above the nearby town. Surely, I thought, the police must be out looking for a criminal; or perhaps there had been an accident. We had just come from
LWPT Meditations - Fifth Sunday of Easter - Year B
LWPT Meditations - Fifth Sunday of Easter - Year B
by Susan Thorne
Meditation - 5th Sunday of Easter Year B Acts 8: 26-40 Psalm 22: 25-31 1 John 4: 7-21 John 15: 1-8 I once went into a cafe to buy my dog a sandwich. She was hungry and I had forgotten to pack any dog biscuits with our picnic. Of course, I didn’t want to admit the sandwich was for
Luke for Everyone - The Distress of Jerusalem Predicted
Luke for Everyone - The Distress of Jerusalem Predicted
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Distress of Jerusalem Predicted Luke 21.20-33 At school we were sometimes made to write stories which included several very different characters and objects. ‘Write a story,’ the teacher might say, ‘including a rabbit, a telescope, a cathedral and a man with a wooden leg.’ Of
Jesus Chooses Twelve Disciples
Jesus Chooses Twelve Disciples
by Dave Hopwood
Feet of Clay and the Breath of God Bible Ref: Isaiah 42; Matthew 5-8 & 10; Mark 3; Luke 6 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrato
Peter's Call
Peter's Call
by Dave Hopwood
Back for Good Bible Ref: Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21; Acts 1 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Seventh Sunday of Easter John 17:6-19 Gaze on the face of Jesus, rapt with attention. At this point, he is so deep in prayer that the disciples dare not fidget or interrupt such a holy moment. They do not cough or break the stillness of Jesus, who is directing his entire ener
journeying with John - 6 The Easter season Knowing, belonging, loving